I am joining thousands of people across the country for the Walk to End Lupus Now®. I hope that you will join me either by lacing up your sneakers or by donating to my fundraising page.
What led up to my diagnosis was a series of what seemed to be non-related experiences. Extreme pain in my right foot, painful joints, fevers, nausea, and always being tired. Therefore, when I spoke to my podiatrist, he ordered blood work to find out what was wrong. He informed me I had lupus and I felt extreme fear, began crying and in complete shock.
I remember going to my college professor and telling her I did not know if I could stay in school, and she said, "Well, I have Lupus.” I was really surprised because I would not have had a clue, she was sick. She served as a role model for me because it showed she could still have a profession and have a family while at the same time managing her disease.
George is my early warning system. He will say, “Hey, are you feeling, okay? You're looking kind of tired." He keeps an eye on how I’m feeling, how I am moving, because I will push myself to the limit sometimes, and again, he likes being the early warning system and says, "Hey, maybe you should just sit down for a minute," or "Can I help you in something?”
George, you have stepped in at moments when I have been at my worst in situations and just having you there to cheer me up and pump me up, or tell me to take it easy, have made a major difference, so thanks.
My goal is to raise $1000.00.
I have registered for the Walk to End Lupus Now-Los Angeles, and I hope you will support me. I would love for you to do the Lupus Walk with me. It is 3 miles, or you can do the 1 mile. If you decide to do the walk: go to Walk to End Lupus Now, look for Team Canela, sign up as a team member. Raise any amount of money you can. If you are not able to do the walk, any generous contribution makes a definite impact and helps me to get closer to my fundraising goal. Trust me, it is worth the effort! Every single dollar counts.
Did you know?
Lupus is a mysterious and misunderstood autoimmune disease. It strikes without warning, affects each person differently, and has no known causes or cure.
Lupus symptoms can be severe and highly unpredictable and can damage any organ or tissue, from the skin or joints to the heart or kidneys.
While lupus can strike anyone at any time, 90% of people living with lupus are women. Women of color are at especially high risk.
Lupus is hard to diagnose, but the Lupus Foundation of America is working to make life easier and more comfortable for the estimated 1.5 million people living with lupus in the United States. Together, we can solve the cruel mystery of lupus. Thank you for your generosity!