Welcome to Kellsie’s Krew!!
On September 28th, my Krew and I will be participating in The Lupus Foundation of America’s Walk to End Lupus Now
Anyone who knows me knows how important this walk, and its mission, is to me- to find a cure for Lupus. This year I even have the honor of being on the Chicago Walk Committee!
This is year number 3 of my Krew participating in the Walk to End Lupus Now. However, it feels as if this Walk has been a part of my heart for so much longer.
3 is not only a significant number for me and my Krew this year, but it’s also a significant number in the Lupus world.
*3 is the number of treatments that have been FDA approved specifically to treat Lupus and its symptoms (treat, not cure)
*1 in 3 Lupus patients suffer from multiple autoimmune diseases
*63% of Americans surveyed have never heard of Lupus or know little or nothing about this disease and its symptoms
*63% of people with Lupus are incorrectly diagnosed prior to receiving a correct diagnosis (on average it takes 6 years for people with Lupus to be correctly diagnosed, from the time they first notice their Lupus symptoms)
Last year was the second year in a row my kickass Krew was one of the top fundraising teams and raised almost $4,000 for the Lupus Foundation of America. These generous donations play a major role in not only improving the statistics above, but to turn the “3 FDA approved treatments for Lupus” into the “3 FDA approved CURES for Lupus”. And my GOSH, does it bring a smile to my face to think my Krew and I can play a role in making that happen.
Although ending Lupus is the major goal of this Walk, there are so many others this Walk fulfills. The most significant, in my opinion, is creating a bond and network of support between the Lupus warriors walking, those walking that love a Lupus warrior, and those walking who have lost a Lupus warrior. Until this walk, I never thought support was a feeling one could experience from an individual you never actually met. However, just stepping foot into the sea of purple that takes over Lincoln Park completely disproves that thought. Support flows from the older woman dancing to the DJ, to the toddler running circles around the crowd (most likely Tommy). Taking a step back on walk day to see the identical expression of AWE and GRATEFULNESS on the faces of all my fellow Lupus warriors in utter shock of the army we have behind us, and knowing I feel the exact same way, has got to be the purest form of appreciation and realization I have ever experienced.
Even though each Lupus warrior’s battle is different, we all have the same goal- finding a cure. This Walk helps bring us closer to this goal, unites resilient individuals, promotes advocacy for this cruel disease, and raises money for programs, services, and research.
If there is one thing I have learned throughout my Lupus journey, it is that battling is one heck of a lot easier when you have an army behind you. My hope is that my personal Lupus fighting army, Kellsie’s Krew, grows each year and with a few steps you can help me fulfill that!
By following the link below you can:
*Sign up to JOIN MY TEAM “Kellsie’s Krew” on our walk for a cure on September 28
*AND/OR use the same link to DONATE to my team to help provide funds for The Lupus Foundation of America to continue improving the lives of those with Lupus
Any ounce of support you can provide, whether it is taking the time to research what Lupus is or donating to my Krew, I appreciate it more than you can imagine.
Thank you to everyone in advance!!